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Missionary to South Africa

Following the voice of Jesus, I am launching out as a full time career-missionary in Johannesburg, South Africa. Starting January 2023 I will serve on staff with a ministry organization called Impact Africa where we evangelize in shack-communities and engage in children's ministry. My specific position will be Outreach Coordinator and Impact Missions Adventure (IMA) Liaison.

With the IMA role I will be working hand in hand with the short-term groups that visit the ministry during our team season (June, July, August). This includes 10-15 teams each year. Keeping in mind the long-term strategy we have with evangelism, we utilize short term teams to saturate communities with the Gospel. Paring with that includes the Outreach Coordinator role. I will be working with national staff, interns, and teams to facilitate the evangelism ministry of Impact Africa. This looks like breaking into small groups and going into the squatter camps to share the light of Jesus, while partnering with local churches who help support and disciple those who turn to the faith.

My heart is for those who are abused and abandoned, and restoring them with the love of Jesus. I find so much joy in the conversations I get to partake in when we go out to the squatter camps, talking about God. The children in the communities have encouraged me to minister to those who are parents, and then in turn teach the kids the love of Jesus which may be their only source of worth and identity.

Funding for being on staff with Impact Africa consists of a team of partners who are passionate about joining this mission with me to see Jesus touch the lives of those living here in South Africa. This looks like financial partnership with monthly donors who commit to giving a certain amount each month that contributes to my overall monthly goal that covers all living expenses. The culture here is so inviting and allowing for the Spirit to move; the harvest is ripe! To learn more subscribe to my newsletter, send a message on my contact me page, or donate directly! 


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